Monthly Archives: December 2014

2014 Update

2014 Update

Good news! I’m out of the well!

Okay, technically I haven’t been trapped in a well. But astute observers may notice it has officially been one calendar year since my last post here. At that time, I was hoping to have the 6th book of the Norothian Cycle ready for release in 2014.

That’s when I fell in the well.

Metaphorically, I mean. The course of human events, life-the-universe-and-everything, so-forth-and-so-on, and here it is one year later and I definitely did not get a book out last year. Really, I hardly did any writing at all, which seems hard for me to imagine now, but there you go. How does an author accomplish nothing in a year? One day at a time, man. One day at a time.


I am happy to say that I am back at work on B the 6 now, and as I did have quite a bit done before my sojourn in the literary Sahara, the ultimate release should not be all that far off, relatively speaking. I’m not ready to commit to any date, for fear of hamstringing myself if I try to hit a deadline. But Book Six of the Norothian Cycle, still (I think) titled John the Red, is forthcoming. I promise.

Now, back to wor-…. Oops, more Christmas shopping first…


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